What types of online programs does UDocs offer?
The UDocs scholarly online library of accredited CPE/CPD film case studies is available in digital form via the UDocs platform, and presently covers the following five topics:

Professionalism/Ethics - i.e., documentaries/online courses related to professional responsibility and/or practice management (e.g., crimes/criminal justice, risk management, leadership, privacy, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, diplomacy and international affairs, etc.);
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) - i.e., documentaries/online courses related to human rights, gender and sexuality, feminism and breaking barriers, race relations, anti-racism, sexual harassment and violence prevention, anti-homophobia and anti-transphobia, immigration and refugees, multiculturalism, populism and the rise of the right, etc.;
Mental Health, Wellness and Mindfulness - i.e., documentaries related to stress prevention and management, sexuality, health, mental health and addiction (e.g., alcoholism and substance use), death and mortality, families and family stories, love, relationships, contemplative studies, etc.;
Indigenous Intercultural Learning - Indigenous cultures and issues. This category supports the Calls to Action (CTAs) stipulated in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, 2012 (TRC). Specifically, calls to action in relation to providing Indigenous intercultural competency training to university students, as well as all professionals in general (e.g., Calls to action #27 (lawyers), #28 (law students), #57 (public servants), #92 (private sector executives) - as stated in the TRC calls to action in relation to professional development: “to ensure that professionals receive appropriate cultural competency training, which includes the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal– Crown relations. This will require skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism.”
UDocs’ Indigenous Intercultural Learning programs are researched and developed by UDocs in collaboration with NVision Insight Group - a majority Indigenous-owned consulting company with First Nations, Inuit and Métis shareholders and staff. With offices in Ottawa and Iqaluit, NVision provides expertise in planning, research, and learning, including Indigenous cultural awareness courses. UDocs and NVision work together to ensure that all Indigenous Intercultural Competency courses offered by UDocs are developed with Indigenous input and perspectives.
UDocs Master Classes (coming soon): UDocs Master Classes will be available to university students and professionals of a particular discipline by a leading scholar of that discipline. The central objective of UDocs Master Classes will be the promotion and dissemination of research. Research dissemination, the process of sharing research findings of scholars with stakeholders and wider audiences has never been an easy task, UDocs is in a position to feature university scholars as key subject matter experts in its documentaries, webinars and live/virtual events as a powerful medium for research dissemination and putting scholars in the spotlight. UDocs’ proven track record of giving scholars a voice on camera has been an effective tool for said scholars and has led them to additional work and speaking engagement opportunities to share their findings, in Canada, and internationally.