Professionalism/Ethics - i.e., documentaries/online courses related to professional responsibility and/or practice management (e.g., risk management, leadership, privacy, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, diplomacy, international affairs, etc.);
Original UDocs documentary film. Learn from the story and revealing testimony of an ex-insider trader who is still struggling with the tragic consequences of his actions. A case study in compliance, corruption, ethical decision making, prevention & education for insider trading, professional conduct.
Key Experts:
- Joseph Grmovsek, Reformed White-Collar Criminal and subject of the film
- Kelly Ohayon, CPA, CA, MBA, CIA, CRMA, CFE
Original UDocs documentary film. Learn from the story and revealing testimony of an ex-insider trader who is still struggling with the tragic consequences of his actions. A case study in compliance, corruption, ethical decision making, prevention & education for insider trading, professional conduct.
Key Experts:
- Emily Cole, Investigations and Defence Lawyer
- Douglas Cumming, Professor of Finance, Florida Atlantic University & Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
- Joseph Grmovsek, Reformed White-Collar Criminal and subject of the film
- Kelly Ohayon, CPA, CA, MBA, CIA, CRMA, CFE
The demise of the giant financial global institution Lehman Brothers, a bankruptcy estimated at $639 billion, accelerated the global financial crisis and sparked debate in Washington over ethical issues on Wall Street and in other financial markets around the world. This course’s overall objective is the promotion of professionalism – i.e., professional ethics, fraud, encompassing the personal and corporate standards of behavior expected by legal and business professionals.
Key Experts:
- Oliver Budde, Attorney & Former Associate General Counsel for Lehman Brothers, (the whistleblower)
The documentary film Lawyers (F)or Justice? is an exploration of the contemporary viability of socially conscious law in Ontario. The course is founded on the promotion of professionalism in regard to making legal services available to the public, supporting access to justice principles, and making legal education more accessible.
Key Experts:
- Yavar Hameed, Human Rights Lawyer and Documentary Filmmaker
- Paul Champ, Litigation lawyer with a focus on human rights, employment, labour, & public interest law
Original UDocs documentary film. The Overall Objective is to provide legal/CPA Professionals with a better understanding of the fundamentals of artificial intelligence as related to ethics, security of information, productivity and efficiency.
Key Experts:
- Armughan Ahmad, President and Canadian Managing Partner, Digital KPMG in Canada
- Benjamin Alarie, Lawyer, Professor & Osler Chair in Business Law, Faculty of Law University of Toronto, Co-founder and CEO of Blue J. Legal
- The Honourable Louise Arbour, CC, GOQ
- The Honourable Marshall Rothstein, CC, QC
- Edward Iacobucci, Dean Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
- Albert Yoon, Professor & Canada Research Chair in Law and Economics, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, and Co-founder of Blue J. Legal
The documentary film chronicles the story of Thuli Madonsela in her last year in public office as Public Protector in South Africa. Overall objective is the promotion of professionalism – i.e., professional ethics, which encompasses the personal & corporate standards of behavior expected by legal and business professionals.
Key Experts:
- Noah Arshinoff, Lawyer, Advocacy Strategist, Business Consultant, Part-time Professor (business ethics and anti-corruption), Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa resident and Canadian Managing Partner, Digital KPMG in Canada
- Nicole Beausoleil, J.D. Candidate (2022), University of Ottawa – Faculty of Law
- Retired Sgt. Pat Poitevin, Former lead and Senior Investigator – Outreach Coordinator with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Sensitive and International Investigations, National Division
- Marc Tassé, CPA, CA (Canada), Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA) (USA)
The program features as a case study the award winning documentary film Willie which tells the story of Willie O’Ree who, in the midst of America’s tumultuous birth of the civil rights movement, became the first black player to skate in a National Hockey League game. The case study will be followed by a panel which will discuss “the making of a corporate athlete”— or how professionals can reframe themselves as corporate athletes to increase their resilience and mental focus on leadership and wellness-work-life balance principles that high-performer athletes need to embrace to become extraordinary.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) - i.e., documentaries/online courses related to human rights, gender and sexuality, feminism and breaking barriers, race relations, anti-racism, sexual harassment and violence prevention, anti-homophobia and anti-transphobia, immigration and refugees, multiculturalism, populism and the rise of the right, etc.;
The documentary film explores the precedent-setting case Ktunaxa Nation v. British Columbia which sees the first ever Indigenous freedom of religion challenge to go before the Supreme Court of Canada. This program aims to improve Indigenous intercultural competencies for professionals by learning about Indigenous history, culture, land and spirituality.
Key Experts:
- Dr. Val Napoleon, Director, JD/JID program, Associate professor, Law Foundation Chair of Indigenous Justice and Governance, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria
- Brad Regehr, President of Canadian Bar Association, Partner at Maurice Law
- Kathryn Teneese, Director/Chief Negotiator at Ktunaxa Nation Council. Ktunaxa Nation Council. Cranbrook, British Columbia
Cette formation porte sur les valeurs et les meilleures pratiques pour la diversité et l’inclusion des minorités de langue officielle au Canada.
Experts Invités:
- Garrick Apollon, Avocat et professeur auxiliaire, École de gestion Telfer et Faculté de droit, Université d'Ottawa (LLB, JD, LLM, LLCM)
- Yves Le Bouthillier, Professeur et Vice-Doyen, Faculté de Common Law, Université d'Ottawa
- Dr. Bernard Leduc, Président-directeur général, Hôpital Montfort
- Sonia Ouellet, Avocate
- Mark Power, Avocat, Juristes Power Law
- Christiane Saad, Avocate, directrice exécutive, Programme de pratique du droit, Université d'Ottawa
- Marc Tassé, Consultant et Professeur à temps partiel, École de gestion Telfer (MBA, CPA, CA, CFF)
- Maxine Vincelette, Avocate, Juristes Power Law
Danardo Jones sets out on a car ride with his teenage son in hopes of having a conversation that some parents dread and others are unaware of. As a lawyer, Jones is well aware that the law can do little to protect his son against the anti-racism and discrimination that has become a part of his complicated Canadian identity. This engaging program on equality, diversity and inclusion will appeal to all professionals interested in better understanding the challenges faced by racialized individuals in Canada and improving their intercultural competencies to address issues of systemic racism in the professional workplace.
Key Experts:
- Lori-Ann Beausoleil, Partner, Forensic Services, PwC Canada
- Alexander Ikejiani, Lawyer and Adjunct Professor of Law
- Martha Jackman, Professor, Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa
- Dr. Onye Nnorom, Family doctor and Public Health & Preventive Medicine specialist
- Danielle Rawlinson, Law Student and Former National President for the Black Law Students' Association of Canada (BLSA)
- Alycia Shaw, Lawyer, Human Rights and Labour Law
- Dr. Ewurabena Simpson, Assistant Professor and Hematologist/Oncologist, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
This program discusses the values and best practices for workplace diversity and inclusion in relation to language minority rights in Canada.
Key Experts:
- Garrick Apollon, Lawyer and Adjunct Professor, Telfer School of Management and Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa (LLB, JD, LLM, LLCM)
- Yves Le Bouthillier, Law Professor and Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
- Dr. Bernard Leduc, President and CEO, Monfort Hospital
- Sonia Ouellet, Lawyer
- Mark Power, Lawyer, Juristes Power Law
- Christiane Saad, Lawyer, Executive director of the Law Practice Program, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
- Marc Tassé, Consultant and Part-time Professor, Telfer School of Management (MBA, CPA, CA, CFF)
- Maxine Vincelette, Lawyer, Juristes Power Law